The vehicle doesn’t drive in a straight line correctly
• Set straight driving at the transmitter using the respective trimming control for the steering function.
• Check the steering rods or wheel alignment setting.
• Did your car have an accident? If so, check the vehicle for any defective or broken parts and replace them.
Steering works opposite to the way the steering wheel is turned at the transmitter
• Check the steering reverse settings at the transmitter and switch them.
Driving works opposite to the movement of the throttle/brake lever at the transmitter
Correct: The vehicle has to drive forwards when the throttle/brake lever at the transmitter is pulled towards the handle
and back when the throttle/brake lever at the transmitter is pushed away from the handle.
• Activate the driving reverse setting at the transmitter.
The steering is not functioning or is functioning incorrectly, steering lock too slight on the vehicle
• If the transmitter offers dual rate settings, check these settings (observe transmitter’s operating instructions). If the
dual rate setting is too low, the steering servo will no longer react.
• Check the steering mechanics for loose parts; e.g. check if the servo arm is properly attached to the servo. Also
check whether the steering mechanics is blocked, e.g. by small stones, sand, etc.
Reversing does not work or does not work correctly
• The speed controller has a safety function. This way, reversing is only possible after the throttle/brake lever has been
put in the position for reversing for the second time.
If you drive forwards and then stop, for example (throttle/brake lever in the neutral position), and push the throttle/
brake lever away from the transmitter handle, only the red LED at the speed controller will light up initially. The
vehicle will not move, however.
If you put the throttle/brake lever in the neutral position again briefly and then push it away from the transmitter
handle a second time, the vehicle will drive backwards.
• Set the neutral position on the transmitter correctly by using the trimmer for the driving function.