Practical advice:
To check the charge control light in the USB plug, briefly disconnect the rechargeable battery from the charge cable
before it is fully charged. In this case, the red LED in the USB plug must light up. If you connect the rechargeable
battery again, the LED must go out.
Do not connect the USB cable to a USB hub without a separate mains adapter (e.g. a keyboard USB port,
etc.), because these will not provide sufficient current for charging.
The operating system does not recognize any new hardware after connection of the charging cable, be-
cause the USB port is only used for power supply. Please observe that the USB ports of your computer/
notebook are usually only active when the computer/notebook is switched on.
Therefore, we recommend to only connect the charging cable to a computer/notebook that is switched on.
Alternatively, you can use a suitable USB plug-in mains unit.
b) Checking the Drive
Before commissioning your quadrocopter, you need to check the drive. Only when all four propellers run smoothly
and perfectly round can the model fly with the lowest energy consumption. For this reason, you should check the drive
propeller function briefly before each flight.
For this, turn every single propeller carefully with your finger and check concentricity and smooth operation.
Observe the rotating directions of the different propel-
lers. Two propellers turn clockwise (A) and two propel-
lers turn counter-clockwise (B) when viewed from above.
The arrow pointing up between the two blue
propellers indicates the forward flight direction
of the quadrocopter.
Figure 5