16. Calibration of position sensors
If the quadrocopter does not hover steadily in the same position or the trim has to be adjusted significantly, the position
sensors in the model have to be re-calibrated.
Proceed as follows:
First, switch on the transmitter and then the quadrocopter. The trim must be set to the centre position.
Then place the quadrocopter on a flat, horizontal surface.
Then move the left joystick (see Figure 1, no. 9) the right
up to the limit stop and hold it in this position.
Move the right joystick (see Figure 1, no. 3) to the right and
left limit stops several times, until the two red LEDs on the
rear of the quadrocopter flash alternately.
Now, move the two joysticks back to the centre position.
If the LEDs on the rear of the quadrocopter remain on after
a short period, the calibration is complete.
Check with a test flight whether the quadrocopter is still
showing a strong tendency to fly in a particular direction. If
required, repeat the calibration process.
Figure 15