System- und Messelectronic GmbH
Bergstr. 33 86911 Diessen-Obermühlhausen Postfach 12 41 D-86908 Diessen Tel. 08196 - 934100
MWS_55_e.indb Page 13
geändert am 04.12.2020 von DO
Manual MWS 55 / MWS 88 / MWS 10 and Sensors 55
2.3 Starting the Software
Start the software by double-clicking the program icon.
After every start, the software checks the clock of MWS 55 and compares it to your computer clock.
If it differs more than set in the file WEATHER32STATION.INI the software sets the MWS 55
clock automatically. Needless to say, the clock of the connected PC must give the correct time, as
MWS 55 is set to the PC-clock.
Additionally the software sets the storage interval (!Zxx) and the reset hour for precipitation (!Rxx)
at each start up. These values are also stored in the WEATHER32STATION.INI.
If your MWS 55 holds a GPS-receiver, it provides the correct time for MWS 55 (UTC time).
In this case the weather station's clock CAN'T be set by the software! With the GPS receiver you
start the software with the parameter -GPS (See software manual) for otherwise there may be
problems showing and storing data due to wrong time synchronisation!
Data recording to hard disk is started in the selected time interval (60 seconds by default). The
software should run for at least one memory interval so that at least one data file is stored on the
hard disk. This is important for reading out the datalogger later. (If there is no data file on the
hard disk, the datalogger cannot be read out as the software does not find a start date.)
MWS 55 only starts recording data to its datalogger after the time has been set. This guarantees
that the datalogger holds only data with the correct time. The clock of the weather station is preset
to CET when delivered. If your local time is different please ensure to set the correct timezone when
using a GPS-receiver at the first start!
(See commands under - Controlling the micro controller. (
The MWS 55 has an internal Lithium cell supplying the clock so that storing of data is performed
immediately after connecting a power supply without the need to set the clock before logging.
The MWS 10 contains an additional accu pack to ensure that measuring continues up to 4 hours
without external power supply. This accu pack is reloaded automatically in normal operation.
CAUTION: When the MWS 10 is not used and no external power supply is applied it is essential
to remove the power cable from the MWS 10 for otherwise the internal accu block is discharged
completely and may be destroyed!
When using a GPS-receiver for setting the clock there may occur different problems, i.e. when the
software tries to set the clock! (See FAQ on the weather-USB-Stick)
If the software is not started, there might be a faulty data file on the hard disk or not enough free
memory. This causes an abort.
The manual for the latest software you'll find