Unit description
Functional diagram of SLN 40-80 dehumidifier
Swimming pool
Humid room air
Heated and
dehumidified air
The units have been designed
solely for installation in a suitable
adjacent room via a duct connec-
The units are also used for
dehumidification of:
Private swimming pools
Wellness spas
Sports studios
Storage rooms
The units are designed for univer-
sal and problem-free dehumidifica-
They are easy to transport and
mount/install in adjacent rooms
due to their compact size.
The units operate on the conden-
sation principle with hermetically
sealed refrigeration system with
silent and low maintenance recir-
culation fan(s).
The fully automatic electronic
control, integrated hygrostat and
connections for local condensate
discharge ensure trouble-free, con-
tinuous operation.
The units are reliable and easy to
use and comply with the funda-
mental health and safety require-
ments of the pertinent EU regula-
The units are used wherever dry
rooms are a necessity and dam-
age (e.g. due to mould) is to be
All units are switched on and off
by the integrated hygrostat.
The hygrostat is set at the factory
to 60% relative humidity.
The respective unit function is
shown on the front display.
The recirculation fan sucks in the
humid room air via the lower duct
connection with filter.
At the cold
, heat is
extracted from the room air and
cooled to below the dew point.
The water vapour contained in the
room air deposits as condensate or
frost on the evaporator gills.
At the
, the cooled and
dehumidified air is reheated and
blown back into the room via the
upper duct connection with a
slight rise of temperature of about
5°C above room temperature.
The conditioned drier air continu-
ously mixes with the room air.
Due to the constant circulation of
the room air through the unit, the
relative humidity in the room is
gradually reduced to the required
humidity (% relative humidity).