Inspection Procedures
Verify the identity of the clamp by checking the identification plate on the clamp
body. If the identification plate is missing or not legible an RFID chip (Radio
Frequency identification Device) is embedded in the clamp body or a clamp
component. If the identification plate is missing and the RFID chip is unavail-
able call the Renfroe factory for instructions on returning the clamp for recertifi-
Step 2.
Completely disassemble clamp.
Step 3.
Remove all dirt, grease and other matter than may inhibit proper inspection of
the clamp body or clamp components.
Step 4.
A. Inspect welds for fractures. RENFROE recommends a dye penetrant or
similar method of detecting indications on the clamp. If an indication is
found it may be necessary to use a magnetic particle, ultrasonic or similar
methods for determining damage to the clamp or components.
B. Inspect shackle pin guide slots located inside of body. Guide slots must be
smooth and free of indentions to prevent shackle slide from hanging.
C. Inspect all pin holes for wear and elongation.
D. Inspect inside jaw opening for displaced metal and distortion.
E. Inspect clearance of lock handle assembly mounting hole for wear. Clear-
ance with shaft of lock handle assembly should be minor.
F. Some models of the “R” incorporate swivel jaws, while others incorporate
die blocks.
1. Swivel Jaw (round): Inspect swivel jaw mounting holes for elongation
and wear. Swivel jaw must turn freely. Remove clamp body from service when
Swivel Jaw Mounting Hole dimensions equal or exceed those listed below.
Capacity Hole
2. Die Block (Rectangular): Inspect die block mounting holes and
retaining bolts for distortion and damage. Die blocks must fit snugly
in body recess.
WARNING: Replace clamps containing fractures, elongated swivel jaw or
die block mounting recesses, distorted jaw openings and clamps with
worn and rough shackle pin guide slots and jaw opening with displaced
metal. Refer to exploded view.