Renogy modules should be installed in locations that meet the following requirements:
Site Considerations
A maximum of two strings can be connected in parallel without needing to incorporate an
over-current protection device.
Only modules with similar electrical output should be connected in the same string to avoid
mismatch effects.
The small drainage holes on the underside of the module must not be blocked.
Operating Temperature within -40°F to 194°F
Relative humidity within 45% to 95%
Avoid trees, buildings, or obstructions
Avoid shading—even minor partial shading reduces yields. Sunlight should be able to reach
the module even on the shortest day of the year. Shading can affect module service life.
The module should be facing true south in northern latitudes and true north in southern
latitudes for best power production.
For detailed information on the best elevation tilt angle for the installation, refer to standard
solar photovoltaic installation guides or a reputable solar installer or systems integrator.