Supplemental oxygen
The device is designed to be compatible with supplemental oxygen of up to 4 L/min in iVAPS mode
or up to 15 L/min in all other modes.
At a fixed rate of supplemental oxygen flow, the inhaled oxygen concentration will vary depending
on the pressure settings, patient breathing pattern, mask selection and the leak rate.
To connect supplemental oxygen to the device you can either connect a ClimateLineAir Oxy or an
oxygen connector port. For more information on how to set up the device with supplemental
oxygen, refer to the user guide supplied with that accessory.
Adding oxygen may affect the delivered pressure and the accuracy of the displayed and reported
values (eg, leak, minute ventilation and AHI).
Before adding oxygen, familiarise yourself and your patient with the specific warnings relating to
the use of supplemental oxygen. These can be found at the end of this guide.
Antibacterial filters
Antibacterial filters increase resistance in the air circuit and may affect accuracy of displayed and
delivered pressure, particularly at high flows.
ResMed recommends using an antibacterial filter with a low impedance [eg, 2 cm H
O (2 hPa) at
60 L/min], such as PALL (BB50T), GVS Filter without Luer Port (4222/702) or GVS Filter with Side
Port 24966 (4222/701). If using the GVS Filter with Side Port, an Oxygen Connector Port is required.
When using the SlimLine air tubing above 20 cm H
O (20 hPa), the device optimum
performance may not be reached if used with an antibacterial filter. The device performance must
be checked prior to prescribing the SlimLine air tubing for use with an antibacterial filter.