Future RIE
PhoneNow precautions
Keep magnets out of reach of pets, children and mentally
challenged persons. Seek medical attention if a magnet is
The magnet used to supplement the magnetic field of a
telephone receiver may affect some medical devices or
electronic systems. The manufacturer of any magnetically
sensitive devices (e.g., pacemakers) should advise you
regarding appropriate safety precautions when using your
hearing instrument and magnet in close proximity to the
medical device or electronic system in question.
High distortion during dialing or telephone use may indicate
that the telephone receiver is being adversely affected by
the magnet. For better performance, relocate the magnet to
another place on the telephone receiver.
Your hearing instrument is designed to comply with the
most stringent Standards of International Electromagnetic
Compatibility. However, not all cellular phones are hearing
instrument compatible. The varying degree of disturbance
can be due to the nature of your particular cellular phone or
your wireless telephone service provider.
If you are not satisfied with the results while using your cellu-
lar phone, your hearing care professional will be able to give
you advice on available accessories to enhance listening