When using the unite remote Control, listening programs for
streaming devices are designated as A, B and C.* The program in
use is indicated in the remote control display.
* The designations for listening programs can be customized by
your hearing healthcare professional in the programming soft-
ware. Such customizations will be reflected in the remote con-
trol display.
Stop streaming
• To stop streaming with the resound unite™ remote Control
(optional) you just have to press the “P” button, located in the
center of the key pad. This will return the hearing instruments
to the last program used. You may also press the home button
to return to your default settings.
• if you are using the telephone with the resound unite™ Phone
Clip or with PhoneNow™, streaming of the resound unite™ Mini
Microphone will be temporarily disrupted. When you have end-
ed your phone call, streaming will resume.
Note! The Mini Microphone will transmit over a range of
approximately 20 feet (or more.) Transmission can be in-
terrupted if the distance between the hearing instrument
and the Mini Microphone is increased beyond the trans-
mission range. If the Mini Microphone is moved back into
range within 5 minutes, your hearing instruments will au-
tomatically reconnect and continue streaming.
Start streaming on a 2nd or 3rd ReSound Unite™
Mini Microphone unit
if your hearing instrument is paired to more than one streaming
device, you can start streaming in two ways.
1. Press and hold the hearing instrument push button for about
3 seconds a 2nd or 3rd time to access the 2nd or 3rd re-
sound unite™ streaming device.
2. if you use a unite™ remote Control, press the streaming but-
ton on the unite™ remote Control a 2nd or 3rd time to ac-
cess the 2nd or 3rd resound unite™ streaming device.
Connected to
Mini Microphone
Streaming button
Searching for
Mini Microphone