4. electrIcal cONNectIONS fOr aN
0610 Or 2011 hOOd
The hood may be connected only to a normalized voltage network,
whose parameters match the data listed on the hood’s nameplate.
The hood must be protected by a fuse of up to 16a.
at the back of the hood there is an m6 bolt (6), which is for the
protective couplings, see fig. 6. Connect it to a suitable cable and
make the protective couplings
4. 1. connecting the control parts
at the back of the hood, there is a plastic distributor (4), from
which the controlling uTp cable (2) emerges, at the end of which is
connector rJ-45 (see fig. 6).
Cut a cross-shaped opening in the rubber grommet (1) on the edge
of the hood. pass the uTp cable (2) through the opening and run it
to the pierced flanges (3) at the back left corner of the base of the
appliance (see fig. 6)
figure 6: back of 0610 hood
in the base of the appliance, break through the flange marked with
the number “2” (see fig. 7a or 7b), insert a m20x1.5 cable gland into
it, thread the uTp cable through it from the bottom of the appliance
upwards and fasten it securely.
figure 7a: location of the flanges on the base of an appliance of
size 611
figure 7b: location of the flanges on the base of an appliance of
size 2011
on the appliance's electrical board, next to the relay panel, there is
a rubber grommet (1). Thread the up cable through this grommet
(2) and guide it towards the front of the electrical board (see fig. 8)
figure 8: Threading the uTp cable through the rubber grommet
fit the end of the uTp cable (2) into rJ-45 port (1), marked X4 or X5
on the relay panel (3) (see. fig. 9).
Technical documentation I Vision Vent 2 Hood I Transport and installation