Technical documentation I Vision Vent 2 Hood I Maintenance and cleaning
Cleaning and maintenance should be carried out by a qualified
person. The heat exchanger requires maintenance and cleaning
whenever it starts working less efficiently, and at least once a year.
The grease filters can be cleaned in a dishwasher. disconnect the
hood from its power source before cleaning and allow to cool
cleaNINg prOcedure:
remove the hood from the appliance and place it in a suitable
location for cleaning.
remove the grease filters.
on the front of the steam trap there are 12 m5 bolts. unscrew
these bolts and remove the steam trap (1) from the hood (see fig.
unscrew the locking plate and the dividing bar (2).
remove the power cable connector (3) from the socket on the
bottom of the motor.
remove the heat exchanger (4) and the motor (5).
remove the steel plate with the motor from the heat exchanger
(see fig. 23).
figure 22: disassembled 0610 hood
figure 23: description of the hood’s heat exchanger
rETigo recommends using a servicing firm for cleaning and regular
inspections of the appliance.
only regular inspection and cleaning can prevent wear and tear and
possible damage to the appliance.
a preventive servicing inspection should be made after one year of
The washable components of the hood (grease filters, steam trap,
dividing bar) and the inside of the hood should be washed with
warm water and soap.
place the heat exchanger in a suitable location for the water to
drain away, with the three service openings (1) facing upwards (see
fig. 23). apply the soap to the heat exchanger through these three
openings and leave to soak for 15 minutes. Then rinse the heat
exchanger with hot water.
repeat the procedure until the heat exchanger is clean.
after all the parts have dried, reassemble.