AdjustIng QuAd CAnEs fOr rIght Or
LEft hAnd usE
1. Loosen cam lock by lifting up on cam lever.
2. Press the double button and turn cane handle 180° until
double-button locks.
3. When cane handle is firmly positioned at desired height
and double button protrudes through height adjustment
hole on cane handle, press down on cam lever to secure
cam lock.
hOw tO OpErAtE And mAIntAIn
AdjustIng CAnE hEIght
1. Loosen cane by either turning the anti-rattle collar or
lifting up on the cam lever.
2. Press in snap button or double button.
3. Slide extension up or down until snap button or double
button protrudes through an adjustment hole on handle
end of cane.
Repeat until cane is at proper height.
NOTE: An audible click will be heard when snap button or
double button securely protrudes through the adjustment hole.
4. Tighten cane by either turning the anti-rattle collar
or pressing down on the cam lever.
Assembly instructions And precAutions
pLEAsE rEAd thIs mAnuAL
CArEfuLLy tO EnsurE sAfE
UsaGe anD MaInTenance
Cane Tip
Cam Lever
Snap Button
QUaD cane
3072 Inland Empire Blvd. • Ontario, CA 91764 • 866.980.2259 • 909.980.2269 fax •
Revolution Mobility
| Freedom in Motion