Set Escape Sequence Mode
Enables or disables the ability to use the in-data-stream escape sequence method of
accessing Control Mode by transmitting the string ":wit2410". When this mode is set
to 1, the escape sequence only works immediately after reset (this is the default).
When set to 2, the escape sequence may be used at any time in the data stream when
preceded by a pause of 20 ms. For backwards compatibility with the WIT2400, the
string ":wit2400" is also accepted for entering Control Mode. Note that the escape
sequence must be interpreted as data by the radio until the last character is received,
and as such will be transmitted to a receiving radio station.
Read Factory Serial Number High, Middle and Low Bytes.
These read only commands return one of the three bytes of the unique factory-set
serial number, which are also visible in the startup banner.
Set Duty Cycle
Allows reduced power consumption by having a remote wake up only every 2
to receive and transmit. Power consumption is roughly proportional to the duty cycle
selected. For example, if N=2, the remote will wake up every fourth hop. Power
consumption will be roughly ¼ the consumption as when N=0. This parameter must
be set to the appropriate value when more than 16 remotes are in use.
Enable Low Power Acquisition Mode
When a remote is searching for a base to acquire and register with, it scans the
frequency band very rapidly. This mode consumes about 80mA of current during this
mode. To reduce the frequency consumption when a remote is in acquisition mode, a
low power acquisition mode is provided. In this mode, the remote only scans the
frequency band every other hop. This will reduce the average current consumption
during acquisition to about 40mA. The tradeoff is it can take twice as long to acquire
and register with a base, or up to 4 seconds.
2000- 2004 Cirronet
M-2410-0010 Rev A