This water heater is designed to be installed as an electric boosted solar water heater with its booster
heating unit connected to a power supply, however it may be installed with an in-series continuous flow or
storage booster.
If this water heater is installed with an in-series booster, then the electric booster heating unit will not be
connected to a power supply and the references to the electric booster heating unit, thermostat and boosting
controls in these installation instructions will not be applicable to the installation.
AS 3498 requires that a water heater provides the means to inhibit the growth of Legionella bacteria in
potable water. This water heater can satisfy this AS 3498 requirement provided the electric booster is
energised for a sufficient period each day and the electric booster thermostat setting is 60°C or higher.
If this water heater is installed with an in-series continuous flow gas booster, then this requirement of
AS 3498 can be satisfied provided the booster is energised, its preset outlet temperature setting is 70°C or
higher and a remote temperature controller is not used.
If this water heater is installed with an in-series storage booster, then this requirement of AS 3498 can be
satisfied provided the storage booster is energised and its thermostat setting is 60°C or higher.
The solar storage tank is suitable for either outdoor or indoor installation. Whether located outdoor or indoor,
the solar storage tank should be installed close to the most frequently used outlet and its position chosen
with safety and service in mind.
Consideration must also be given to the position of the
solar storage tank in relation to the solar collectors.
There are limitations on the maximum length of the
solar hot and solar cold pipes between the solar storage
tank and the solar collectors. Refer to
“Solar Collector
on page 31 and to
“Pipe Lengths”
on page 32.
Clearance must be allowed for servicing of the solar
storage tank. The solar storage tank must be accessible
without the use of a ladder or scaffold. Make sure the
temperature pressure relief valve lever is accessible
and the front cover, thermostat and booster heating unit
can be removed for service.
You must be able to read the information on the rating
plate. If possible leave headroom of one water heater
height so the anode can be inspected or replaced.
Remember you may have to remove the entire solar
storage tank later for servicing.
It is recommended the solar storage tank be installed at ground or floor level and must stand vertically
upright. The base of the water heater is made of corrosion resistant material, and it may be placed directly in
contact with the supporting surface. It is not necessary to allow for free air circulation under the base of the
water heater.
The water heater should not be placed in direct contact with a concrete surface that is less than two
months old and not fully cured as this may attack the metal coating of the water heater base. A moisture
barrier should be used between the two surfaces in this instance.
Remember all local authorities have regulations about putting water heaters into roof spaces.
It is a requirement of AS/NZS 3500.4 that for a new installation, a
water heater be installed in a safe tray where in the event of a leak,
property may otherwise be damaged. Construction, installation and
draining of a safe tray must comply with the above mentioned