FutureD User’s Manual | Wireless Model RC3000G01
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How to return to a fl agged blade:
Find and return to the blades fl agged earlier in the inspection process. The
FutureDrive will remember every blade fl agged in every stage of the engine.
New blades cannot be fl agged in
mode; the only functionality is
fi nding and returning to fl agged blades, and unfl agging them
(Figure 14)
. Select
to fl ag a new blade.
Figure 13: Flag Retrieval Screen
Press and release until
FLAG-RET is selected
GOTO indicates the
selected fl agged blade
that the FutureDrive is
moving to
Use the keys
to move to the next or
previous fl agged blade. The
GOTO indicator will show
the fl agged blade’s number
and the FutureDrive will
begin to move to that blade.
Anytime you need to return
to this screen, use the
MOVE button
Figure 14: Unfl agging Blade Screen
If you decide to un-fl ag
the blade, press . The
FutureDrive will toggle
the fl ag on or off for this
blade. You can fl ag blades
in other modules, but you
can only un-fl ag them using
Anytime you need to return
to this screen, use the
MOVE button
When you arrive to the fi rst
fl agged blade, the GOTO
indicator vanishes and the
FLAG indicator appears
Press the button to
interrupt the Go-To process
How to set interval speed:
This mode automatically moves the engine, starting at the current blade
through the last blade on the stage. It can be set for continuous travel (INTV:0)
or can pause at each blade if
is set to 1 (for 1 second) or above (up to 99
seconds). This allows the user to work entirely hands-free. If a video recorder is
used, the inspection can be recorded unattended.
If backlash is set, changing rotational direction during all move modes will trigger a fl ashing
backlash message. The message with appear on the screen while system compensates for looseness
in the gearbox and will disappear once this action is complete. During backlash compensation time
interval, all hand control buttons will be disabled until this operation is complete, then hand control
button functionality is automatically restored.
Figure 15: Interval Screen
Use to set the
interval (the delay between
each automatic blade move).
This determines how long
the FutureDrive will pause at
each blade. “0” is continuous,
“1” is one second, etc.
The word
will fl ash whenever
interval moment is in progress. The
number after
indicates the
pause at each blade as the engine is
turned automatically
Blades can be
fl agged using ,
or the hand or
foot switch if
Press and release
Anytime you need to
return to this screen,
use the
When you are ready to start,
press to begin interval
movement. Press again
to pause or stop.