Rice Lake Weighing Systems
All Rights Reserved
15. Re-attach the ribbon cable located at the front of the unit.
Figure 5-17. Re-Attach Ribbon Cable
16. Re-attach any other cables.
5.2.1 Heater Fuse Replacement
The Hoffman heater has a fuse that could possibly need replacing. Use the following steps to replace the fuse.
1. Using a slotted screwdriver, push against the fuse holder cover and turn at the same time. This will dislodge the fuse
from the receptacle.
Figure 5-18. Push and Turn Fuse Receptacle to Remove
2. Pull the actual fuse from the receptacle and replace with a new fuse.
Figure 5-19. Remove Actual Fuse From the Receptacle and Replace with a New Fuse
3. Reverse the removal steps to re-install the fuse holder cover.
Place ribbon
cable under
Fuse location on heater
Push and turn to remove fuse