Beijing RichAuto S&T Co., Ltd.
4.2 Menu details
4.2.1 Machine Setup
The menu “Machine Setup” is used to set machine hardware related parameters. It is set by
machine producer according to equipment type. No need to modify if the machine hardware or
electrical parameters have not changed; If user needs to change the setting, shall consult the
equipment manufacturer and modify it under the guidance of the technical engineer.
Menu structure of Machine Setup
Pulse Equivalent
Linear axis: The number of pulses required to send from the system when machine moves every
1mm. Unit: pulse / mm;
Rotating axis: The number of pulses required to send from the system when machine rotate every
1 degree. Unit: pulse / degree.
For the computing method please see in SP7.
Machine Setup
Pulse Equiv
Table Size
Spindle Setup
Home Setup
Input Confi
DistTime Limit
Start speed
Voltage Setup
C.A.D. Thickness
Max. Speed Limit
Tool Count
Cylinder Delay time