3.7 Plot sequence
When you plot several files continuously, you can change the plot order by clicking the „Forward‟,
„Backward‟, „Head‟, „Tail‟ icons. Operations as follows:
1. For example, there are four files in the plotcenter, 1.plt, 2.plt, 3.plt, and 4plt.
2. Press any one file that is not sending, the function of the file will be shown in the under four functions,
forward, backward, head and tail is used to change the sequence of the files when the data is not sending.
files in the plotcenter are output as the normal sequence from upside to downside.
3.8 Print preview
Operation are as follows:
1.Press the selected print queue
2.Press”print preview”on the tool or press the right mouse button then press”print preview”.