Frame Type selection
(Network Setup>Protocol
Setup>IPX/SPX Setup)
Invalid frame size.
The network hub is not connected to a Novell machine when
the E-820 tries to bind.
Warning! IPX network
number is zero.
No other IPX machine can be found on the network, or the
network hub is not connected to the network when the E-820
tries to bind. When this occurs, the network number defaults
to zero.
Can’t detect Token Ring
Token Ring hardware
not installed or
not functioning.
E-820 queries the Token Ring hardware. Error indicates that
some components are not installed, are not installed correctly,
or not installed in the correct device. An unsupported Token
Ring board may be in use. Check with your authorized service/
support center.
Token Ring Setup
Can’t autodetect the ring
speed. No device on ring.
The E-820 is trying to detect the current ring speed, but it is
the only machine on the Token Ring network. Connect
another machine to the Token Ring network first, before
connecting the E-820.
Enable NDS
(Network Setup>Service
Setup>PServer Setup>NDS
No NDS trees found.
No NDS trees were found on the Novell network. Check to see
that the frame types on the E-820 are properly configured.
Select NDS Tree
(Network Setup>Service
Setup>PServer Setup>
NDS Setup)
Warning! Selecting a new
NDS tree deletes Bindery
You have previously connected the E-820 to a different NDS
tree. NetWise supports only a single NDS tree connection. To
avoid a potential conflict with an existing tree connection (for
example, if the connection was made through a NetWare 4.x
server in emulation mode), all bindery settings will be deleted.
If you choose OK, and choose Yes in the following message
(Delete Bindery setup and continue?), bindery settings are
deleted and have to be re-entered in Bindery Setup.
To avoid deleting the bindery settings, press the Menu key, or
select OK and choose No in the following message (Delete
Bindery setup and continue?).
Repeat NDS Setup without changing the NDS tree, or exit to
Bindery Setup to review your current bindery settings.
After this Setup screen
This message