Ricoma Quick Start Guide
5.1 Question: Will the characters below 1cm come out misshapen or deformed because they are too small?
Answer: When cutting small characters, please set offset in the software. For example, in “Artcut” sign
(1). Click “plotting output” once, a plotting output picture will pop up.
(2). Click “set” once, a picture of setting plotter will pop up.
(3). Click “compensation setting”, a dialog box will pop up.
(4). Select “sharp-angle compensation”, adjust the value to required level.
The compensation ranges between 0.1 to 0.7 but we advise setting it to 0.25. In addition, the plotting speed
of the cutter should be set below 10.
5.2 Question: Why is there an additional stroke after finishing cutting?
(1). Check if the tip of cutter is flexible when it is up and down.
(2). Check the Signmaster software to see if some of the letters have any issues.
(3). Check if there are some problems on the files.
5.3 Question: Why does zigzagging happen to the cutter?
Answer: Because the cutter motor features high power and speed, the cutting speed should be adjusted
according to the size of the character you are trying to cut. Generally, to cut small glossy characters with high
precision, the speed should not exceed 65. In most cases, a speed of 65 is favorable. To cut big characters of
large quantities within the shortest amount of time, the speed can be set up to 350. However, since the step
distance of the motor is so long, noticeable zigzagging may occur. Therefore, you should set the speed to
the specific size of the characters in order to prevent zigzagging. To see the relationship between speed and
character size, please refer to the following table:
Size of font (mm)
Speed (mm)