1-866-58-RIDEZ (74339)
My R/C RIDE won’t go in a straight line.
My R/C only works at close range.
The sound feature in my RIDE quit playing.
There is an alignment control setting located between the two front tires on the underside of the vehicle.
Move the dial to the left or right of center until the front wheels are properly aligned.
Replace the batteries (instructions above) in both the vehicle and the transmitter. Make sure the trans-
mitter antenna is fully extended and pointing up, not downward toward your vehicle. Interference from
other electronic/radio devices can also affect range; we recommend using your R/C in an outdoor, open
area such as a parking lot or large field for optimal range. The driving surface may also affect your
vehicle’s performance. DO NOT operate your vehicle thru water, sand, snow, thick carpet, or in the rain.
A hard impact may have jarred and loosened the RIDESOUNDZ™. In Street chassis, remove the battery
compartment cover. The RIDESOUNDZ cartridge is located next to the battery case. In Monster chassiz,
remove the RIDESOUNDZ compartment cover (located in between the two front wheelz) by sliding it
to the left and pulling up. With your thumb and index finger, grab the RIDESOUNDZ by the thin center
area and pull straight up to remove it. Blow into both the connector slot on the chassiz and the RIDE-
SOUNDZ itself to remove any dust. Reinsert the RIDESOUNDZ, pressing firmly. Reattach the battery
compartment cover or the RIDESOUNDZ compartment cover. Turn the ON/OFF selector switch to ON and
press down on the hood scoop to play sounds.