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Close the Output switch to supply the load and check that the inverter is
correctly powering it.
Verify on the home page that system operating mode is “ON LINE”.
Check the Output parameters in the Output status page.
Check the battery status (if present) and verify the measurements.
Set the Date and Time,
Enter the “General and System setting” menu
Tap the “Display” icon
and set the desired value in the Date/Time
Store the new settings by pressing the “Save” icon.
In order to return to the main page, press the “HOME” icon.
For the COLD START button location, please refer to the “General views” chapter.
Note: Avoid turning on the system from battery if the battery charge status and/or the autonomy information are unknown.
Close the battery cabinet breaker/switch.
Press the “cold start” button and keep it pressed for at least 5 seconds.
The system will turn on in the “STAND-BY WITH CB OFF” mode (The status led will light up and the display will start).
if no actions are taken within one minute, the system will automatically shut down to avoid discharging the batteries.
Verify that no anomalies are present on the status bar (except for the anomalies referring to the absence of input and bypass
mains and the “Output Switch open”).
From the “Command Panel” page, press the “System ON” icon to start the System.
Confirm the “SYSTEM ON Command”, by selecting OK. The UPS will turn on.
If the battery measurements are ok and no anomalies are present (the system will be in the “DISCONNECTED FROM LOAD”
state), close the SWOUT output switch (if present).
Verify the output voltages on the Output status page.
The system is now in the BATTERY WORKING mode.
To restore the UPS to ON LINE mode, close the input (SWIN) and bypass input (SWBYP) breakers with mains present. The
UPS will change to ON LINE mode and the batteries will begin to charge.