During combustion,
do not
rotate the kettle.
-After extinguishing a fire, rotate the kettle. If
it were rotate during combustion, it could
cause breakdown and fire.
Do not use product in a place
where materials could fall down
-It could damage product or cause fire
Must do
Always fixed handle, except the
kettle was rotated
- If you don’t fix the handle, the kettle would
rotate without notice. Therefore,
fixed knob always was pull back fully.
If you put your hand into a gear box , it will be
hurt your hand. Please, keep in mind
-Gear box, located back handle, is rolling place which
connected rotary that it is a dangerous when you put into
your hand,
(Fixed Statue)
Handle fixed knob
Must do
Do installed that the ground must be
flatted no obstacle.
- Do not install on the flammable materials or rough
ground. Do not installed & located unstable place just like
vehicle and ship. If not, it will cause breakdown and fire
by incomplete combustion
No touch
Check the fire and extinguish
- In using, check the normal fire through the
front panel. And after using, check the
extinguish fire and close the intermediate
valve. Close the intermediate valve when you
go out & go sleeping
Must do