Moving a window
Move a window using SELECT or ADJUST on the Title Bar and dragging the window to
the desired position on screen. As before, doing this with SELECT will also bring that
window to the front of the stack: using ADJUST will allow the window to retain its position
in the stack.
Off the screen
Windows are not bound by the edges of the desktop. They can be moved 'off the screen.
However, since you can only move a window by its Title Bar and the mouse pointer is
bound by the edges of the desktop, it is not possible to move a window fully off the screen -
there will always be a small part of it you can 'get hold of. Moving windows off the screen is
configurable as to whether of not windows are allowed off screen and, if so, in which
Covering the Icon Bar with a window
If a window obscures the Icon Bar, and you want to access the Icon Bar, press and hold the
<SHIFT> key, then press and release the <f12> key and release the <SHIFT> key to bring
the Icon Bar to the front of the stack. Press <SHIFT> <f12> once more to toggle the Icon
Bar back to its previous position in the stack. The computer can also be configured so that
when the mouse is brought to the bottom of the screen and held there momentarily the Icon
Bar is brought to the front of the stack. This option is active by default and can be
deactivated in the Mouse section of the computer's configuration. Here you can also specify
how long you must hold the pointer at the bottom of the screen before the Icon Bar pops to
the front. If this options is disabled in the Mouse configuration, you can still use the <
SHIFT><f12> key combination.
Bringing windows to the front
In order to bring a particular window to the front of the stack, click SELECT on its Title
Bar or Resize icon (or Toggle Size icon, but that also changes the size of the window).
Closing windows
Click SELECT or ADJUST on the Close icon to close a window. Use ADJUST to
simultaneously open the parent filer directory window. If you wish to close the active
window (the window whose focus is active has its window tool sprites highlighted in
yellow) you can alternatively use a keyboard short-cut by holding down the <CTRL> key,
pressing and releasing the <f2> key, then releasing <CTRL> (if supported by the application
software being used) - sometimes this option can be more convenient than using the mouse.
If you try to close a document window where the document has not been saved,