The four options are:
Add to Apps:
Allows you to drag in applications or folders of applications, to add
them to your Apps folder available from the Apps Icon Bar icon.
Look at:
Applications and folders dragged to the Look at window will be "
booted" when your system starts up. This means that your computer
will have "seen" these applications whenever you start your
computer up in future, so that documents will load into the correct
programs when you double click on them.
This allows you to choose which applications are automatically
loaded every time you start your computer.
Slightly different from the other options, this enables you to upgrade
your !Boot should a new version be released by RiscStation Ltd.
Finally, the
Desktop boot file button
allows you alter your startup file manually.
Taking the
Add to Apps
window as an example, it works as follows:
The majority of the window is taken up by a scrolling list of applications and directories.
Those shown in grey ("greyed out") are special folders or applications which your system
needs. You cannot remove these.
Dragging an application or folder to the window will add it to the list. In the example above,
the !Zap application (a textual file editor) has been added, in this case to the Apps folder,
which you can open from the Apps icon to the left of the Icon Bar at the bottom of your
screen. Notice that it is not in a standard place on the hard disc - in the MyApps sub-