Connect the Indorfin to Betaflight and make the following changes.
The Serial Rx switch must be
turned on for UART2 on the Ports
The appropriate Serial Receiver
Provider must be selected on the
Configuration page in the
Receiver section.
PPM Receivers will use the
ground (black), power (red), and
PPM (yellow) wires on the RX
cable. The PPM wire goes to the
signal pin on the receiver. The
white wire is not used.
Connect the Indorfin to Betaflight
and change the Receiver Mode
on the Configuration page to PPM.
PWM Receivers will need to use a PWM to PPM
converter. The same wires used with the PPM
Receiver can be soldered to the PPM cable that
comes with the converter. Another option is order
the RISE Camera Cable (RISE2114). The wires will
have to be moved for the cable to work correctly.