PV module installation and
maintenance manual
Page:NO.16 ,Total 41
or letters, and details are as follow. Set the YYMMDDABBCCCCC as the example:
From the 1
to the 6
digits: YYMMDD means the manufacturing date;
The 7
letter: A means Code for internal identification;
The 8
and 9
digits: BB means the manufacturing workshop;
From the 10
to the 14
digits: CCCCC means the serial number of production.
6. Matters needing attention for unpacking
As for outdoors unpacking, it is prohibited to operate in rainy conditions. Because
the carton will become soft and damaged after it gets wet in the rain. The PV
modules (hereinafter referred to as "modules") inside the carton will incline, which
may cause damage or injury to personnel.
If there is wind at site, it is necessary to pay special attention to safety, especially in
strong wind conditions, and it is NOT recommended to transport the modules at
this situation. The unpacked modules shall be fixed properly.
The ground should be flat where unpack the packaging, this will ensure that the
carton can be placed stably and to avoid incline.
Wear protective gloves during unpacking to avoid hand injury and finger prints on
the glass surface.
Module information and unpacking instructions can be found on the outer package.
Please read the instructions before unpacking.
Each module shall be handled by two personnel. It is forbidden to pull the wires or
junction boxes of the modules to carry the module.
In addition to the above points for attention, consider professional on-site unpacking, exception
handling rules, please refer to RISEN Packaging Manual.