Rittal Liquid Cooling Package
5 Assembly and siting
Fig. 21:
Foam strip on a server rack support
Foam strip
Server rack
If the server enclosure contains devices which require
cooling via sideways air throughput (e.g. switches,
router, etc.), cut-outs must be incorporated into the
foam strips.
To do this, cut out a piece of the foam strip with a
sharp knife.
If several devices which require sideways air
throughput are included, cut out several pieces of
the foam strip, as is appropriate, so that, ultimately,
there is a cut-out in the foam to the left or right at the
height of each such device in the server rack. En-
sure that there are no gaps on the hot air side of the
device (fig. 22, item 3).
Using a sharp knife, cut additional pieces from the
foam strips that are at least as long as the height of
the built-in devices.
Attach the foam strips to the cold air side of the de-
vices set back towards the rear (fig. 22, item 4),
making sure that all fans built into the devices can
draw air and that none of them are blocked.
Fig. 22:
Placement of foam strips for devices with sideways
air throughput (top view) – LCP Rack
LCP Rack
Server enclosure
Foam strips on hot air side
Foam strips on cold air side
Area in which the foam strips can be positioned
If there is any surplus length of the foam strip on the
server rack, cut it off at the top edge of the rack.
On the side of the server enclosure opposite the
Liquid Cooling Package, mount a side panel on the
two side panel mountings. Align it with the front and
rear of the enclosure.
Using the 8 assembly screws, screw the side panel
firmly onto the side panel holders and the side panel
mounting brackets.
Seal off any cable entries which may be present with
corresponding brush strips or similar.
The foam strips can be attached between
the front and rear supports of the server rack
along the entire depth of the devices with
sideways air throughput (fig. 22, item 5).
The Liquid Cooling Package may optionally
be bayed onto a server enclosure with a
width of either 600 mm or 800 mm. For this
reason, the Liquid Cooling Package acces-
sories include a total of four foam strips or
corresponding air baffle plates with differing
dimensions (see section 15 "Accessories").