Riverbed Technology
680 Folsom Street
San Francisco, CA 94107
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© 2018 Riverbed Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
Riverbed and any Riverbed product or service name or logo used herein are trademarks of Riverbed. All other trademarks used
herein belong to their respective owners. The trademarks and logos displayed herein cannot be used without the prior written
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Akamai® and the Akamai wave logo are registered trademarks of Akamai Technologies, Inc. SureRoute is a service mark of
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iSeries, and AS/400 are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation and its affiliates in the United States and in other
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This product includes Windows Azure Linux Agent developed by the Microsoft Corporation (http://www.microsoft.com/).
Copyright 2016 Microsoft Corporation.
This product includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley (and its contributors), EMC, and Comtech
AHA Corporation. This product is derived from the RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm.
The SteelHead Mobile Controller (virtual edition) includes VMware Tools. Portions Copyright © 1998-2016 VMware, Inc. All
Rights Reserved.
NetApp Manageability Software Development Kit (NM SDK), including any third-party software available for review with such
SDK which can be found at http://communities.netapp.com/docs/DOC-1152, and are included in a NOTICES file included
within the downloaded files.
For a list of open source software (including libraries) used in the development of this software along with associated
copyright and license agreements, see the Riverbed Support site at https//support.riverbed.com.
This documentation is furnished “AS IS” and is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a
commitment by Riverbed. This documentation may not be copied, modified or distributed without the express authorization
of Riverbed and may be used only in connection with Riverbed products and services. Use, duplication, reproduction, release,
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errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this documentation.