© 2012 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
Connecting to the Management Console GUI
After you configure Whitewater, you can verify and modify your configuration settings and view performance reports and system
logs in the Management Console. You can connect to the Management Console through any supported Web browser. To connect
to the Management Console you must know the host, domain, and administrator password that you assigned in the configuration
wizard. Note: Cookies and JavaScript must be enabled in your Web browser.
To connect to the Management Console:
1. Enter the URL for the Management Console in the location box of your Web browser:
– protocol is http or https. https uses the SSL protocol to ensure a secure environment. If you use https to connect, the system
prompts you to inspect and verify the SSL key.
– host is the host name you assigned to Whitewater during initial configuration. If your DNS server maps that IP address to a
name, you can specify the DNS name.
– domain is the full domain name for Whitewater.
Note: You can specify the IP address instead of the host and domain.
2. The Management Console appears, displaying the login page as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 Riverbed Whitewater Management Console
-In the Username text box, type the user login:
. The default login is admin. Users with administrator (admin)
privileges can configure and administer Whitewater. Users with monitor (monitor) privileges can view connected Whitewaters,
reports, and system logs.
-In the Password text box, type the password that you assigned in the configuration wizard. By default the password is
Log In
to display the Home page. The Home page summarizes the current status of your system.