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2. Under Data Network Interfaces, complete the configuration as described in the following table.
Network Interface
Displays the controls to add a network interface. Click the magnifying glass icon next to an interface to display the controls to configure the
interface. Riverbed recommends that you use the network interfaces for backup and LAN traffic.
IP Configuration
Displays the IP address of the network interface.
Enable Data Interface
Check this check box to enable the data interface and specify the following settings:
• IPv4 Address - Specify an IP address.
• IPv4 Subnet Mask - Specify a subnet mask.
• Data Gateway IP - Specify the data gateway IP address. The data gateway must be in the same network as the data interface.
• MTU - Specify the MTU value. The MTU is the largest physical packet size, measured in bytes, that a network can send. The default
value is 1500.
3. Under Routing Table for <network interface> (for example, Routing Table for eth0_0), configure static routing in the routing
table if your device management network requires static routes. You can add or remove routes as described in following table.
Click Apply to apply your changes to the running configuration, and click Save to save your changes permanently.
Add a New Route
Displays the controls for adding a new route.
Specify the destination IP address for the gateway.
Subnet Mask
Specify the subnet mask.
Specify the IP address for the gateway. The gateway must be in the same network as the network interface you are configuring.
Adds the route to the table list.
Remove Selected
Check the check box next to the name and click Remove Selected.
Configuring Cloud Settings
You can specify cloud settings, replication scheduling, and bandwidth limit settings in the Configure > Storage > Cloud Settings
page. Replication is the process that transfers deduplicated data from Whitewater to the cloud asynchronously. A storage
replication service provides an extra measure of redundancy that can be invaluable if the main storage backup system fails.
Immediate access to the replicated data minimizes downtime and its associated costs. Replication streamlines disaster recovery
processes by generating duplicate copies of all backed-up files on a continuous basis. It can also simplify recovery from all types
of disasters including fire, flood, hurricane, virus, or worm.
Note: Before you configure cloud settings, configure DNS settings to access the cloud service provider host machine.
To configure cloud settings:
1. Choose Configure > Storage > Cloud Settings to display the Cloud Settings page, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Cloud Settings Page