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3. When the Create a Stoage Pool wizard starts, provide a new
Storage Pool Name
, select the
Sequential Access
radio button,
and select whether the storage pool will be use in a
capacity, as shown in Figure 14. Click on
to continue.
Figure 14 Storage Pool Name and Type Entry
Storage Pool Name
Provide a new storage pool name. It cannot match an existing storage pool name.
Storage Pool Type
sequential access
since Whitewater uses a FILE device class.
Primary or Copy Storage Pool
Identifies whether the storage pool will be used for primary backups of data from Tivoli Storage Manager clients, or used
for receiving copies of backup data stored in primary storage pools via the BACKUP STGPOOL command.
4. Click on the
Device Class Name
drop down and select the device class name created previously in Step 1. Also enter a value
for the
maximum number of scratch volumes
, as shown below in Figure 15. Click
to continue.
Figure 15 Device Class Name Selection and Maximum Volume Entry
Device Class Name
Provide the device class name created in Step1 above.
Maximum Number of Scratch Volumes
This option controls the maximum number of scratch volumes that Tivoli Storage Manager will be allowed to create
using the target device class media properties. This value can be set to whatever value you need, but should represent
the total size of the Whitewater cache storage when multiplied by the per volume size specified in the Device Class
creation step above.