© 2012 Riverbed Technology. All rights reserved.
EMC Atmos
Please refer to EMC Atmos documentation for information about preparing EMC Atmos for use with a Whitewater gateway. When
ready, EMC Atmos will provide the following information for you to enter into the Whitewater GUI:
Host Name – Hostname or IP address of the EMC Atmos gateway.
Sub Tenant ID – Specify the tenant ID that is used to authenticate each request.
UID – Specify the user ID that is used to authenticate each request.
Shared Secret - Specify the shared secret used to authenticate each request.
Microsoft Windows Azure
To sign up for Microsoft Windows Azure:
1. Go to
and click
2. Follow the on-screen instructions.
3. Perform account confirmation via phone or text message.
4. Login to the Azure portal
and create a new Storage Account under Hosted Services,
Storage Accounts & CDN.
5. Record the following information from the created storage account to enter into the Whitewater GUI:
Storage Account – Provide the name of the storage account created in Azure.
Primary/Secondary Key – Provide either the primary or secondary access key from the storage account created.
Rackspace Cloud Files
To sign up for Rackspace Cloud Files:
1. Go to
and sign up for
2. Once account registration is complete, login to the Rackspace portal:
3. Access Your Account > API Access, and record the following information to enter into the Whitewater GUI:
Access Key – Provide the API key used to access the cloud account.
Username – Provide the user name associated with the account.
OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)
Please refer to OpenStack documentation (
) for information about deploying an OpenStack Object
Storage cluster for use with Whitewater gateways. You should have the following information ready to enter into the Whitewater
Host Name – Hostname or IP address of the OpenStack Object Storage Proxy server
Port – Port on which the OpenStack Object Storage Proxy server listens to
Username – Specify the username that is used to authenticate each request.
Password – Specify the password that is used to authenticate each request.