XH2-240 Hardened Access Points
Feed the Ethernet cable through the sealing collar and the strain relief. The strain relief’s
open ribs should face the collar, as shown. Snap together the halves of the split rubber
grommet over the cable.
NOTE: Once you connect the AP's GIG1/POE port, an automatic upgrade typically
starts soon after the AP has Internet connectivity. Do not unplug this port while
booting or during the upgrade process or the AP may become inoperable. The upgrade
should take 10 minutes or less depending on bandwidth.
Plug the Ethernet connector into the AP. making sure that its tab clicks in place for a secure
connection. Slide the strain relief all the way onto the grommet. If power is being properly
supplied to the AP, the STATUS LED will show blinking green. When the boot has
successfully completed, the LED will be solid green.