Thank you for choosing the Monticello Greenhouse Program
Thank You for your Purchase
We want to thank you for your purchase of the Monticello Greenhouse. We appreciate
your support of our American Made Greenhouses.
The Monticello is designed for the average homeowner; no special degrees are needed.
The time to assemble depends on the weather, skills, options, and number of helpers
you have in the process. All the pieces are cut to size and should fit snug, BUT if
something is not working please reach out to our help lines so we can make sure that
there are no delays in the process. We are not only employees of Riverstone but
owners of Monticello Greenhouses and can help you through the process and hopefully
keep the frustration levels down if a question comes up.
We would like to take a moment to remind you as the new owner of a Monticello
Greenhouse a few things to increase the life of your greenhouse.
• Make sure that all your roof vents are closed and tied down with the included
bungee balls during high winds. This would be a 25 mph gusting wind and up.
This will help prevent air getting into the Monticello and causing damage.
• Like with the roof vents, make sure the dual doors stay closed during winds. The
doors are spring loaded to stay closed but we also know that the greenhouse can
get rather hot in the warmer months and doors do get propped open. Just make
sure that they get closed.
• In cooler snow prone climates, Cut some 2 x 4 ‘s and put them against the roof
ridge and the floor to help add support from heavy snow and ice. This is just a
precaution but could save a lot of aggravation down the road.
• It is also a good practice to clean the snow off the roof. A little snow if fine, but
several inches only will tempt fate and it is best to be safe than sorry.
• The polycarbonate panels have channels in them. These are designed to help
insulate and in moist environments, like after a rainstorm, you might find water
droplets in these channels. It will not cause any harm and will burn itself off when
the air starts to heat up.
• In some cases where there is a lot of rainfall, like the Pacific North West, we
recommend using clear silicon caulking between the polycarbonate panels and
the trim plates before the trim plates are put on. This is just to assure that the
Monticello stays as dry as possible. Just give a call if you need some more help
with this.
Lastly, we are not perfect. We know that there are better ways to do things,
we just need some suggestions from our customer base as to what they are.
Needless to say we are always open to feedback, good and bad, and we do react
to feedback. Please, if there is an option you do not see that you feel would make
the greenhouse experience better, if there is a different way to explain a set-up
process, or if there is anything else to help make Monticello better we want to
hear from you.
Thank you again for your purchase and we hope you have many years of growing in
your new Monticello Greenhouse.
David Schnurman
Vice President