47 • 72-2102-07 Beacon 200 Operator’s Manual
6. Unscrew the detector from the junction box hub.
7. Guide the detector leads of the replacement detector through the
junction box hub then screw the mounting threads of the detector into
the hub.
8. Connect the detector leads to the terminal block the same way the old
detector was wired. See Figure 8 to verify the connections are correct.
9. Screw the calibration cup/splash guard onto the new detector’s housing
10.Reinstall the junction box cover.
11.Plug in or turn on all incoming power to the Beacon 200 at the power
source end.
12.Place the Beacon 200’s power switch in the ON position, then verify
that the PILOT light is on.
Allow the replacement detector to warm up for 5 minutes
before you continue with the next step.
13.Calibrate the replacement detector as described in the Calibration
section of this manual.
Preventive Maintenance
This section describes a preventive maintenance schedule to ensure the
optimum performance of the H
S detectors. It includes daily, monthly, and
quarterly procedures.
Verify a display reading of 0 PPM H
S at the controller. Investigate
significant changes in the display reading.
This procedure describes a test to verify that the H
S detectors responds
properly to target gas. It describes a test using a fixed flow regulator with
an on/off knob. RKI Instruments, Inc. recommends using a 0.5 LPM (liters
per minute) fixed flow regulator.