EAGLE 2 Operator’s Manual
Calibration Supplies and Equipment • 55
Calibration Supplies and Equipment
To calibrate the EAGLE 2, you will need:
Known calibrating samples of the gases being detected. The combustible and toxic gas
samples should have concentrations between 10 and 50% of the full scale value. For
example, if you are calibrating the catalytic combustible gas channel, your calibration
cylinder should have a combustible gas concentration between 10% LEL and 50%
LEL. An oxygen-free source, such as 100% nitrogen is recommended for setting the
oxygen zero.
The catalytic combustible channel can be set up for and calibrated to a number
of different combustible gases. See “Configuring the Combustible Gas” on
page 101 for instructions. Be sure that you are using an appropriate calibration
cylinder for the target gas of the catalytic combustible channel.
When using auto calibration with the standard 4-gas EAGLE 2, although
the EAGLE 2 can be calibrated with an oxygen concentration of up to
19.5%, RKI Instruments, Inc. recommends that the multi-gas cylinder have
an oxygen concentration in the range of 10% - 16% oxygen.
A demand-flow regulator to provide adequate sample gas flow
RKI Instruments, Inc. recommends that you dedicate a regulator
for use with chlorine (Cl
) gas and that you do not use that
dedicated regulator for any other gases, particularly hydrogen
sulfide (H
Non-absorbent tubing
A 24 inch humidifier tube if you are calibrating the catalytic combustible channel with
a gas concentration of 1000 ppm or lower
If you are using a calibration kit that includes a gas bag and a fixed
flow regulator or dispensing valve, do not apply gas directly to the
EAGLE 2 with the regulator or dispensing valve or damage to the pump
will result. See “Appendix A: Calibrating with a Sample Bag” on
page 82 for instructions to properly use a gas bag kit.
To calibrate the %LEL, oxygen, CO, and H
S sensors at the same time, automatically,
with no need for a zero-oxygen source, you can use the auto calibration feature with a 4-
gas cylinder. If the H
S channel is not active, then a 3-gas cylinder may be used for auto
calibration. This chapter includes instructions for auto calibration with a demand-flow
regulator and a 4-gas cylinder. This chapter also includes instructions for calibrating one
channel at a time using single calibration.