115 • Importing Using the LAN Network
4 . Select the types of data you want to import.
Test Data
is data from bump tests,
calibrations, and alarm checks done with the SDM-6000 (in either Standalone
or PC Controlled Mode) and is saved as a .txt file. It will not include data from
tests done away from the SDM-6000.
Logs Data
is saved instrument data that
was downloaded to the SD card during a data download (in Standalone Mode
only) and is saved as a .dat file. It will include Interval Trend data, Alarm Trend
data, etc.
5 . Select the SDM-6000(s) whose files you want to import or use the Check All
box to select all of the SDM-6000(s).
6 . Click
. The
area for each SDM-6000 will indicate that the program
is communicating with the docking station and will indicate how many files
were imported once the import is complete.
If the data import is not successful, you may need to set up the LAN
connectivity again. For users with a DHCP network, if the SDM-6000
lost power or the network went down for a period of time, a new IP
address may have been assigned to the SDM-6000 when power was
restored or when the network came back up.
7 . Click
8 . The files are now added to the database.
Figure 62: Net Import Successful