Setting Detailed Operational Parameters Using the SDM-PC2 Docking Station PC
6000 is used in Standalone Mode, it will keep track of the expiration dates based on
the settings made in the Cylinders Window. The Cylinders Window comes with a list
of predefined cylinders that are fairly common. If a cylinder that you need to use is not
on this list, you can define your own cylinder. Some of the parameters available for
editing in the Cylinders Window, such as gas name and concentration, do not need to
be set using the PC Controller Program and can be set using the SDM-6000’s Config
Menu. In order to provide more comprehensive instructions, this section will include
instructions for setting parameters that can also be set using the SDM-6000’s Config
Figure 30: Cylinders Window
The Cylinders Window shows the cylinder name, cylinder part number, expiration
date, and active status for each cylinder.
Selecting a Cylinder from the Predefined List
The Cylinders Window comes with several predefined cylinders that you can choose
1. Launch the PC Controller Program and connect your SDM-6000(s) as
described in “Launching the PC Controller Program and Connecting an SDM-
6000” on page 60.
2 . Click the
button along the top of the main program window.