87 • Overview
Chapter 4: Operation
When you have completed the tasks in "Chapter 3: Preparing to Use the SDM-6000",
you are ready to use the SDM-6000 docking station. The SDM-6000 is capable of
performing bump tests, calibrations, and alarm checks on the GX-6000. It can also
charge the rechargeable Li-ion battery pack in the GX-6000. This chapter describes
procedures for using the docking station to bump test, calibrate, alarm check,
download instrument logger data to the SD card, and recharge GX-6000s in the
standalone configuration of the docking station. It also describes the information that
is saved to an inserted SD card.
Automatically Initiated Tests and Data
If the PC Controller Program has been used to set up the auto bump, auto cal, or auto
alarm check feature, the GX-6000 will be turned on at the set time on the set day(s)
and perform the desired test. If the PC Controller Program has been used to set up
the auto download feature, the GX-6000 will download it’s data to the SD card at
power up when a download is due. Each test or download progresses as described in
the appropriate section below, but no user involvement is required to start the test or
download. For an automatic calibration or test, even after the GX-6000 is turned off,
the test results will remain displayed in the Unit Tab until the user presses the BUMP
End, CAL End, or Alarm Check End button (whichever is appropriate) in the Function
Turning on a SDM-6000 System
Do the following to turn on the SDM-6000 and establish a connection with a GX-6000:
1 . Connect the AC adapter to the SDM-6000 and to an AC wall socket. If you
have a multi-station system, only the leftmost SDM-6000 should be connected
to power.
2 . Flip the SDM-6000’s power switch so that it’s in the ON position. If you have a
multi-station system, only the power switch of the leftmost SDM-6000 needs to
be flipped.
3 . The SDM-6000’s Status LED will be solid green if it is operating properly or
solid red if there is a system failure.