Tw st the broken spoke around the spoke next to t keep t from flopp ng around and gett ng caught between
the wheel and the frame. Sp n the wheel to see f the r m clears the brake pads. If the wheel w ll not turn
because t s rubb ng aga nst a brake pad, try turn ng the brake cable adjust ng barrel(s) clockw se to
slacken the cable and open up the brakes .If the wheel st ll won’t turn, open the brake’s qu ck release and
secure any loose as best you can. Walk the E-B ke ,or f you must, r de t w th extreme caut on, because you
now have only one work ng brake.
Check to make sure the t re s evenly seated around both s des of the r m and that the tube s ns de the t re
beads. Push the valve stem nto the t re to make sure that ts base s seated w th n the t re’s beads. Inflate
the tube slowly to the recommended pressure, all the wh le check ng to make sure that the t re beads stay
seated n the r m. Replace the valve cap, and nstall the wheel onto the E-B ke.
R d ng your E-B ke w th a flat or under- nflated t re can damage the t re, tube and E-B ke, and can cause you
to lose control and fall.
A broken spoke ser ously weakens the wheel and may cause t to wobble, str k ng the brakes or the rame.
R d ng w th a broken spoke can cause you to lose control and fall.
Broken Spoke
A wheel w th a loose or broken spoke s much weaker than a fully tens oned wheel. If you break a spoke
wh le on a r de, you w ll have to r de home much more slowly and carefully because the eakened wheel
could break add t onal spokes and become useless.