6. Control menu
The Robin Spote is equipped with 2-row LCD display which allows which allows you to set the fixture´s be
haviour according to your needs, obtain information on its operation, control all range of effects and program it
in stand-alone mode.
Control panel:
[ESCAPE] button used to leave the menu without saving changes.
[NEXT] , [PREV] buttons for moving between menu items and for value adjusting.
[ENTER] button used to enter the selected menu (menu item) and to confirm adjusted value.
After switching the fixture on, display shows current DMX address.
6.1 Addressing (DMXA)
Use this menu item to set the DMX start address of the fixture, which is defined as the first channel
from which the Robin Spote will respond to the controller.
If you set, for example, the address 25, the Robin Spote will use channels 25 - 49 for control .
Please, be sure that you do not have any overlapping channels in order to control each Robin Spote correctly
and independently from any other fixture on the DMX data link.
If there is no data received at the DMX input, the display will start to flash "0001” with actually stored DMX address.
6.2 Fixture information (Info)
Pon Time
Power on time
. Select this menu to read the number of fixture operation hours.
The item shows the total number of the operation hours since
the Robin Spote has been fabricated.
The item shows the number of the operation hours that the
Robin Spote has been powered on since the counter was last reset.
In order to reset this counter to 0, press and hold both [NEXT] and [PREV] buttons and the
[Enter] button at the same time.
Air fil
Air filter.
Regular cleaning of the air filter in the fixture base is very important for the fixture´s life and
performance. Bild-up of dust, dirt and fog fluid residues reduces the fixture´s fan ability.
he two items of this menu help you to keep cleaning period of the air filter.
Alert P
- Cleaning schedule for the fixture depends on the operating environment.
It is therefore impossible to specify accurate cleaning interval. This item allows
you to change the cleaning interval of the air filter. This "alert" value is 300 hours and it
is set as default. Inspect the fixture within its 300 hours of operation to see whether cleaning
is necessary. If cleaning is required, clean air filter and change the value in this menu
on acceptable level. Min. level of alert period is 10 hours, max. is 300 hours.
R Ti
- The item allows you to read the time which remains to cleaning air filter.
The time period is set in the menu mentioned above.
To reset this menu item press and hold both [NEXT] and [PREV] buttons and
the [Enter] button at the same time.
- DMX readout.
The menu is used to read DMX values of each channel received by the fixture.
Hea Temp
Head temperature
. The menu shows temperature on the LEDs PCB in the fixture head.
- A current temperature of the LEDs PCB.
- A maximum temperature of the LEDs PCB since the fixture has
been fabricated.
High Res
- A maximum temperature of the LEDs PCB since the counter