- Fixture
receives sACN protocol
Ethernet To DMX
- Fixture receives
from the Ethernet input and sends DMX
data to its DMX output (fixture works as an "Ethernet/DMX converter", next fixture can
be connected to its DMX output and you can build a standard DMX chain by connecting another fixtures.
Only one fixture has to be connected to the Ethernet.
IP Address/Net Mask
- Select this menu to set IP address. IP address is the Internet protocol
address.The IP uniquely identifies any node (fixture) on a network.
There cannot be 2 fixtures with the same IP address on the network!
Default IP Address
-Preset IP address, you can set up only first byte of IP address
(2 or 10) e.g.
Custom IP Address
- The option enables to set up all bytes of IP address.
Net Mask
- The option enables to set up all bytes of Net Mask.
ArtNet Universe
- Use
this item to set a Universe (0-255). The Universe is a single DMX
frame of 512 channels.
MANet Settings
- Use this menu to set parameters for MANet operation.
MANet Universe I/II
- The value of this item can be set in range 1-256.
MANet Session ID
- The value of this item can be set in range 1-32.
sACN Settings
- Use this menu to set parameters for sACN operation.
sACN Universe
- The value of this item can be set in range 1-32000.
7.2 Tab "Information"
Fixture Times
- The menu provides readouts of fixture and LED module operation hours.
Power On Time Hours
- Select this menu to read the number of fixture operation hours.
Total Hours
The item shows the total number of the operation hours since the
Robin T1 Profile
has been fabricated.
Resetable Hours
The item shows the number of the operation hours that the
Robin T1 Profile has been powered on since the counter was last reset.
In order to reset this counter to 0, touch the text box next to the item "Resetable Hours:"
LEDs On Time
- Select this menu to read the number of LEDs operation hours.
In order to reset some counter to 0, touch the yellow text box next to desired colour.
Air Filters
- Regular cleaning of the air filters is very important for the fixture´s life and performance.
Bild-up of dust, dirt and fog fluid residues reduces the fixture´s light output and cooling ability.
The two items of this menu help you to keep cleaning period of the air filters.
Alert period
- Cleaning schedule for the fixture depends on the operating environment.
It is therefore impossible to specify accurate cleaning interval. This item allows
you to change the cleaning interval of the air filters. This "alert" value is 300 hours and it
is set as default. Inspect the fixture within its 300 hours of operation to see whether cleaning
is necessary. If cleaning is required, clean all air filters and change the value in this menu
on acceptable level. Min. level of alert period is 10 hours, max. is 300 hours.
Elapsed Time
- The item allows you to read the time which remains to cleaning air filters.
The time period is set in the menu mentioned above.
Expired time period is signalled by a negative mark (-) at the time value and a warning icon
on the display.
Clean the filters and reset this menu item (by touching the text box next to the item
"Elapsed Time").
Fixture Temperatures
- The menu is used to view temperatures of the fixture´s inside.
LEDs temperatures
- The menu shows temperature on the LED PCBs in the light source (RA=red + amber
LEDs, GY=green + light green LEDs, B=blue LEDs).
- A current temperature of the LED PCBs.
- A maximum temperature of the LED PCBs since the fixture has been fabricated.