Max. Res.
- A maximum temperature of the LED PCBs since the counter
was last reset.
In order to reset some counter to 0, touch desired text box under item "Max.Res."
LEDs Brd.1 Temperature
- The menu shows temperature on the LEDs control PCB (RB 3401-top side with
coils) in the fixture head.
- A current temperature on the LEDs control PCB.
Maximum NonRes.
- A maximum temperature on the LEDs control PCB since
the fixture has been fabricated.
Maximum Res.
- A maximum temperature on the LEDs control PCB since the counter
was last reset.
In order to reset this counter to 0, touch the text box next to the item "Maximum Res."
LEDs Brd.2 Temperature
- The menu shows temperature on the LEDs control PCB (RB 3401-bottom side)
in the fixture head.
- A current temperature on the LEDs control PCB.
Maximum NonRes.
- A maximum temperature on the LEDs control PCB since
the fixture has been fabricated.
Maximum Res.
- A maximum temperature on the LEDs control PCB since the counter
was last reset.
In order to reset this counter to 0, touch the text box next to the item "Maximum Res."
Base Temperature
- The menu shows temperature on the display PCB in the fixture base.
- A current temperature on the display PCB.
Maximum NonRes.
- A maximum temperature on the display PCB since the fixture has
Maximum Res.
- A maximum temperature on the display PCB since the counter
was last reset.
In order to reset this counter to 0, touch the text box next to the item "Maximum Res."
DMX Values -
The menu items allows you to read DMX values of each channel received by the fixture.
Wireless State -
The menu serves for reading of the wireless operation status.
Unlink Wireless Adapter
- The item serves for unlinking the fixture from a DMX transmitter.
If the wireless module is not installed in the fixture, message" Wireless Module Not Installed" will appear.
Power Channel State
- Select this item to see current setting of the functions, which can be set by menu items
in "Personality" as well as by DMX command at channel "Power/Special functions".
Colour Functions State
- Select this item to see current setting of the colour functions, which can be set by
menu items in "Personality" as well as by DMX command at channel "Colour functions".
Software Version
- Select this item to read the software version of the fixture processors:
Display System
- A display processor on the display board in the fixture base
Module M
- Pan/Tilt processor
Module L-A
- LEDs control processor
Module L-B
- LEDs control processor
Module L-C
- LEDs control processor
Module O
- Focus/Zoom/Prism/ control processor
Module F-A
-Framming shutters control processor
Module F-B
- Framming sh Iris control processor
Module G
- Rot. gobo/Effect wheel control processor
Module P
- Prism rotation/Frost control processor
Product IDs -
The menu is used to read the MAC Address ,RDM UID and RDM Label.
View Logs
- Use this menu to read fixture´s data which have been recorded during fixture operation. This
colected data allows easier troubleshooting.
Fixture Errors
- Use this menu to read fixture errors which have occured during fixture operation.
Fixture States
- In the menu are recorded fixture states as power on and power off.