1. General Information
Specific characteristics and particular attributes of the product
are the intellectual property of ROBEL Bahnbaumaschinen
GmbH. The copyright on its use remains with ROBEL
Bahnbaumaschinen GmbH. It may not be reproduced either in
full or in part, published or otherwise exploited for competitive
purposes, whether for payment or not. Its contents may not be
passed by company employees to anyone outside the busi-
Acceptance, Equipment and Operating Licence
It is the buyer’s responsibility to check that the condition, fit-
tings, performance and especially the safety features of the
goods delivered match the relevant specifications agreed and
to take account of the regulations specified in the contract.
The buyer must equip the goods delivered with all fittings nec-
essary to meet relevant operational and safety regulations,
norms, statutory regulations or other regulations, e.g. fire ex-
tinguisher, first aid box, signal and telecommunications
equipment, additional warning devices, protective clothing,
safety notices etc.
Unless otherwise agreed, no fittings of this nature are provided
with the goods delivered.
Furthermore it is the buyer’s responsibility to demonstrate that
the goods delivered have been accredited for use by the ap-
propriate authority. Any documentation to be provided by the
manufacturer or supplier (descriptions, proof, attestations, etc.)
to enable this should be specified in the contract of supply.
Any additional measures and costs required to achieve opera-
tional accreditation must be borne by the buyer.
Validity of these instructions
These operating instructions apply to products with the follow-
ing EDP no.:
EDP no. 512 990 0004