REVISED 28-Sep-17
save about 20-30 seconds
on ‘cold start’ stage.
However, if an operator choose wrong timing, thermal gap will cause
spinning head overheating with all undesirable outcomes.
So the manufacturer strictly recommends to unexperienced users to follow
the present manual and set the voltage at 150-160 Volts.
‘No-Snow’ tool
There are three situations when ‘rope’ shaped cotton candy or sugar dust
comes out of the spinning head:
Beginning/ending of the operation process;
There is not enough sugar in the spinning head;
Spinning head overheat.
To manage those unpleasant things it is necessary
to use so called ‘No-
Snow’ tool (26).
In the beginning and ending it is necessary
to put ‘No-Snow’ over the
spinning head, to avoid sugar flakes blowout.
Those kind of flakes appears because of the fact that in ‘cold start’ mode
sugar is melted not evenly in the head, a part of sugar starts to melt earlier,
another part starts to melt a bit later. Therefore, first cotton filaments (10-15
seconds) come out as irregular separated filaments and particles, instead
of stable even ‘sleeve’. This happens on many machines with vertical, up
feed design, and is not a bug.
Ending the session, after turning heat off (12), the operator must cool down