Base Station / Perimeter Switch
It is recommended to remove the
Base Station for the winter period:
Disconnect the power supply from the mains power;
Open the Base Station / Perimeter Switch cover;
Disconnect all connectors from the board;
Remove the Base Station / Perimeter Switch and place it in dry storage;
It is recommended to store the power supply in a dry storage; if not possible, protect the cable
end from moisture to prevent corrosion while not connected to the Base Station.
Disconnect the green plot connector (keep it connected on the board for the next season) from
the perimeter wire ends and protect it from moisture to prevent corrosion of the wires while not
connected to the Base Station; You may place the Friendly Robotics wire nut connector onto both
wire ends for protection in the winter.
After Winter Storage
Confirm that all connections, charging pins and wire ends are clean prior the first operation; if
required, clean the contacts with a small piece of fine sandpaper, 200 grit or higher or using steel
wool of ‘00’ or higher grade.
Place the Base Station in its place and connect all cables to the board;
Confirm that Robomow displays the correct time and date.