How Robomow Works for You
Perform a One-Time Setup before operating Robomow for the first time.
[Detailed instructions are in the following chapters]
First, you will install a wire around the entire lawn and around protected areas within
the lawn area. This wire is the Perimeter Wire; it sets the boundaries for Robomow.
Small pegs are supplied with Robomow. You use them to fasten the Perimeter Wire
into the ground, below grass level.
The Perimeter Wire will gradually disappear under the growth of new grass until, quite
soon, it will be invisible.
Then, you will place a Base Station and a Power Box along the Perimeter Wire. They
perform two basic functions:
o They generate a very low voltage signal along the Perimeter Wire.
o They charge Robomow’s batteries.
After having completed the installation of the Perimeter Wire, Base Station, and the
Power Box, and performing the One-Time Setup, Robomow will do all the mowing for
you for the entire season !
Robomow mows. You don’t!
Robomow leaves its Base Station on the scheduled mowing time. Robomow mows the lawn and then drives itself back to the
Base Station to be charged and ready for its next scheduled mowing.
As soon as Robomow departs for mowing, the Base Station automatically triggers a special signal. This signal creates a virtual
wall, visible only to Robomow. This signal keeps Robomow within the lawn boundaries, and prevents it from entering areas it
was intended to skip or protect.
Robomow detects the signal
and changes direction as it
reaches the wire
Perimeter Wire as a
virtual wall, visible only
to Robomow
Tree surrounded by a groove, ditch or flower beds requires a wire around it .
Base Station and Power Box:
- Generates signal along the wire.
- Charges Robomow’s battery.
Large trees: Robomow is allowed to bump
into them. At this size, the objects do not
require a Perimeter Wire around them.
Perimeter Wire
Base Station
Power Box