Comfort wake up
System will turn thermostat on
a predefined number of minutes
before smartphone rings,
whenever you set the alarm.
Sunny wake up
Wake up naturally, by gradually
lifting blinds and let the sunlight
wake you up, a predefined
number of minutes before
smartphone alarm.
Coming home
Let your house show how
happy it is when you come
back home. When phone
connects to your wi-fi network,
lights and heating will turn on
Leaving home
When you leave the house,
smartphone disconnects from
home wi-fi network, a few
minutes later system will turn
lights and heating off.
Connect charger
Do you charge your phone
every day before going to bed?
Use that action to automatically
turn lights and heating off.
Disconnect charger
Phone is charged until morning,
right? When disconnecting the
charger, automatically turn
lights and heating on.
Smart lights
In the evening hours, when
sunlight goes down,
automatically set evening
scene, turn on the lights and
lower blinds. Works only when
tenants are at home.
Random lights
When nobody is at home,
discourage snooping with a
simple deception: turn lights on
and off to leave impression that
house is not empty.
Bio offset
Following your natural
biological rhythm (chronotype),
let the house be a little warmer
(or cooler)
at the specified time
of the day.
Default setpoint
When active, any setpoint
adjustment is valid for about
half hour, then it returns to the
temperature defined in
automation setup.
The most frequent question about home automation is - how to turn the damn thing
off. However, regardless the inglorious reputation of smart machines, we strongly
believe HIQ will gradually grow up into your daily routine. Events are generated
automatically, you are in charge to assign actions according to your preferences.
execute tasks automatically